When we are busy, it is important to face to yourself.
Last week, I went to Japan for business and had spare time to spend one day in Kyoto. I walked around Kyoto Higashiyama and Gion area and enjoyed being alone.
I am becoming 55 years old in 2014.
I thought about what I was doing. But it is more important to find out why I am doing rather than what or how I am doing.
Zen sitting gives me some good chance to introspection myself.
The year of 2013 is ending and starting 2014 soon.
I will try to face to myself to think or feel what I am.
If Sprint merges T-Mobile, the big three will share 100M each users in the USA. And Apple announced to provide iPhones in China for 700M users market.
I bet that Mr. Son of Softbank must be thinking beyond this merge; that is, innovation of global mobile communication services.
BTW, I happened to change my iPhone from AT&T (12 years users) to T-Mobile last month since I could not wait for Sprint but T-Mobile. Now I can call up any landline phones overseas with no extra fee. It is not VoIP so that the audio quality is good. And it is SIM free service which I confirmed that my T-Mobile iPhone connected with either Docomo or Softbank services in Japan this month.
The mobile business is entering into a huge change for global business. Japan should not make the same mistake as they did by Docomo platform. There are some great services in Japan. The question is that they can make it global business or fail again.
I can see a lot of business impacts and changes with this Softbank business challenge.
It will be a very exciting decade in mobile communication business.
T-Moble is Germany company and its USA HQ is here in Bellevue, WA.
The photo is two of three T-Mobile HQ buildings in Bellevue; Christmas lighting version tonight.
Their service makes anyone easy to start their own online shopping with built-to-order solution.
When we refer to "OffLine", I think there are two business leads; one is virtual and another is real solution.
The former model is that you can still use its service when it is not connected with internet; that is, off line from internet. The later one is that you lead a customer to a real shop; that is, not online shop but offline shop.
With GPS feature in smartphone, O2O marketing has become one of the new trends.
O2O can be applied not only for shopping but also for sightseeing, edutainment and etc.
I have been more than 10 years users of AT&T Wireless but today, I finally changed to T-Mobile for international call benefits. T-Mobile offers unlimited talk, text and data in more than 100 overseas countries at no extra charge; this service just started for everyone from November.
Calling: 20 cents per minute from over 100 countries
Texting: Unlimited in more than 100 countries included at no extra charge
Data: Unlimited in more than 100 countries included at no extra charge
I also learned that there is no charge between land-line phone between overseas calls for both ways; e.g. I can call my family/friends in Japan at no cost and vice versa via landline, not VoIP.
With Jump plan; $10/month, I can also trade in my phone for upgrade twice/year and it includes insurance for any stolen and damage.
I feel that we are walking into a next era that we do not try to own everything... not only Software but also Hardware.
ROKU is located in Saratoga, CA, USA. I assume the name of ROKU comes from the Japanese language of recording (録).
I see this market will make a huge impact on TV broadcasting industry.
Any company and individual person can own its/her/his own video streaming station through Internet... actually, you can now do that by YouTube, Ustream, LiveStream and etc.
The product like ROKU will make anyone watch these video at home on TV without PC or Mac just like Apple TV. Soon, we may not call the current TV Dsiplay Panel as TV, but Smart Home Display.
Most people know Facebook and Twitter, but maybe not LinkedIn. I found that LinekdIn is not so poplar in Japan. I use Facebook for private and LinkedIn for business.
But the value of LinkedIn is much higher than Facebook and Twitter.
The SNS business revenue model is advertisement, and I have hard time to understand why these SNS company have such a high value. It seems to be illusion.
It is surprising that Amazon has not made any positive Net Income last quarter either as you see in above. The revenue has become triple last 4 years.
What do you see and expect from Amazon vs. Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter?
I personally believe that Amazon business fundamental is much stronger than Facebook and Twitter since they actually have merchandise to sell. They can go into a new business such as logistics and service solutions.
Did you know that 52% of hit products in Japan will disappear in two years? Until 1990's, only 8% of hit products disappeared from the market in Japan. In other words, more than 90% hit product life cycle is over 2 years.
Due to short life cycle, the average profit cycle of new products is only 1.5 years. On the other hand, by 1970's, they had the product life cycles was about 25 years after development. There is not good ROI.
There are so many reasons why.... these are the tips to consider our business to challenge.
However, it might be necessary to ask for yourself what is the happiness and value of this life.
ISAK is the International School of Asia at Karuizawa in Japan.
This school curriculum is the ideal one which you can watch their video through Facebook clicking above.
It will be interesting to teach the Japanese culture, history and related diversity of the Japanese society through the Martial Arts; this kind of educational service is my strong interests as my life work.
QUOTE: In anticipation of ISAK's opening as a school next year, our team has condensed the essence of ISAK into a four-minute video. We introduce our mission, the nature of our curriculum, interviews with members of the founding faculty, and our community's hopes for the growth of our school. Please view, enjoy, and share this post with your friends!
It is quite popular in Japan that people can pick up their ordered goods at any convenience store nearby. It is very convenient for bachelor people who do not home during the day time.
I found Amazon starts the similar service; Amazon Locker at one of shopping malls at downtown Seattle. Amazon will do some market testing here in Seattle due to Amazon HQ is here same as Amazon Fresh. There are still a plenty of rooms for logistics business improvement with online business solution.
You might not be able to tell that this is current Microsoft mission statement.
It does not talk about anything about software or IT.
I touched about Company culture when I visited Amazon Japan in this blog ( Amazon Japan Visit.)
When Microsoft started, I remember that Bill Gates was talking about PC at every home and everyone.
Michael Dell is still trying to challenge to buy back the company investing all his money.
He can just retire and enjoy the rest of his life.
He did not choose that option.
The importance of Mission Statement is not only for business but also politics, education and all others.
Move your heart towards your goal and your body start walking to that direction.
Once you make an action, you will find the possibility even 1% upto 100% to succeed; however, it remains 0% possibility if you do not take an action at all.
You should not wait until someone feed you.
You can even catch luck with your own action.
Do not stay in safety zone. Later, you might find that you will be in dangerous zone which possibility could be said minus. You might find you get too old to stand up.
A Bus is leaving with a chance. Just get in! You can think once you get in a bus.
If you just wait for a bus until you have a confidence.... you may find a next bus will never come!
Had a meeting with Amazon at Amazon Japan in Tokyo accompanying my client.
Very different business style from Microsoft.
I believe that it is very important to create its own unique company culture based on mission statement. River fish cannot live in ocean and vice versa.
College students.... I recommend to find your job to fit in your skin. Do not choose a job just by company name or salary.
This is my first purchase in my life a part of the Japanese Sword. I could not buy a sword but its guard - Tsuba(鍔)at the Japanese Sword Show in San Francisco today.
I have the passion to succeed this Japanese traditional crafts for the future. A lot of traditional crafts are facing difficult era to succeed into the next generation since most of them are not well as business.
There are many traditional crafts in Japan but I would focus on the Japanese swords since I fell in love with them. It might be because I am one of the martial arts practitioners.
アメリカンドリームを達成した吉田さん。彼のメッセージのなかで好きな言葉に「Keep On Dreaming」があります。渡米当時、公園に停めた車で寝起き、トイレでシャワー代わり。不法滞在にもなりながら、空手を教えながら生活。4度に渡る自己破産の危機を経て、現在では15以上のグループ会社の経営する会長。スタートは、日本にも進出しているCOSTCOで売られているBBQソース。
Seattle is still growing and West Lake area is getting crowded as a new business district in Seattle.
Especially bio medical companies have been gathering in this area led by Paul Allen, Microsoft co-Founder. Amazon also has their new office in the same area.
More offices developing in West Lake area
Bio médical, Green technology, Cloud solution, Sustainability .... these next decade key words business have been growing here in Seattle.
A lot of Bio Tech Institutes and Companies in West Lake
Singapore has a very good political and business strategy and it is why they has become the business hub in Asia as APOC; Asian Pacific Operations Center.
I learned at the forum one company could save $500M/year tax for $3B revenue in Japan sales. To enjoy this tax save, sales contracts and/or fulfillment need to be managed out of Singapore.
However, IP Tax is exception; that is, Singapore designed this tax save for physical good commodities, not royalty.
I questioned about Cloud business case. If it is considered as license royalty business, they cannot enjoy the tax save. The answer is it is considered software lease business, not license royalty business. Therefore, Cloud business centers are moving into Singapore.
I think it was a kind of boom to get MBA for a better job which means higher salary and opportunity to become a management. Is it true? I do not think so.
The business industry is moving and changing so fast. So, are the world politics and economy word these days. What they study at MBA is based on the study and analysis on what happened/is happening. After they finish 2-year MBA course, this study could be a good reference but the world steps one more away.
In business, it is more important to THINK (CONSIDER) & ACT rather than to find an ANSWER. If we know how to find an answer, everyone can be a successor. We need to THINK and STEP FORWARD towards the way which you believe. There is no answer when we start walking but we will eventually find an answer during the walk. It is the important challenge to keep walking to the way which you believe.