Wednesday, December 26, 2012

コンビニビジネス − 数の理論の限界?






以前、触れた近江商人の三方よしの「店よし」は、本社がトータルの数字の見せかけで儲かっていれば良いということではなく、店舗それぞれの経営者も含めてビジネスとして成立しているかどうか? 同様のことがショッピングセンターの経営でも見て取れます。




飽和状態の市場(Red Ocean)で、叩き合うことよりも共存共栄の道というか少なくともBlue Ocean戦略という新しい挑戦の道を選んで欲しいものです。今の成功は、先達の遺産。今の経営者はそこからどこへ向かうか経営者としての理念、戦略、実行力が問われている一例だと思います。

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Year of 2012

At the end of each year, one kanji is picked up to express that year at Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto in Japan.  This year, they picked up the kanji of 金 (Gold). It is connected with London Olympic as one of the reasons.

I did the same thing for myself today and I picked up 縁 (En) which is the part of my own company name; EnLinx.  Indeed, I could make some good relationship in both private and business network and I really appreciate with En which will further enrich my life next year.

I tried to write 縁 in two ways.

1) Top - Regular way
I have not done calligraphy drawing since the New Year's day of 2012 and it is not good at all.  I should have more time to enjoy this type of life time.
2) Bottom - Not Kanji but more likely art drawing.
As I refer in my company web site, I try to be the 3rd dot to connect two different dots to make its relationship stronger which ends up the left part drawing triangle shapes.  Then, the pronunciation of En is same as Circle.  When we enjoy En (karma, relationship and opportunity), it will become round circle in my image and I end up with some circle drawing in the right part. And tried to make it express some joyful going up at the end.

同様に自分自身今年を振返ってみました。選んだのは、自分の会社の社名(EnLinx Partners)の謂れにもなっている縁(En)にしました。今年は、公私ともに「縁」の有り難さを痛感した一年でした。多くの人々と楽しい出会い、来年からをもっと豊かに過ごせるそんな人々との関係が築けた一年だったと思います。


2)書いていると段々と思うことがあってこうなりました。会社のウエブサイトでも触れていますが、2者の関係をさらに強固な良い関係にするための3番目の点は自分。そう思うと糸偏が△になってきました。そして、縁が良好な関係になると円になることから右側が ◎になって来た次第です。書というより漫画アートでしょうか。右の跳ねはその結果何だか楽しくなるような気がしたので。


Friday, December 14, 2012


今までの人生を振返ると、果たして自分の人生は良かったのかと思われることはありませんか? 人生に良いも悪いもないと思います。あるのは自分の人生だったかどうか? それは、私のモットーのひとつです。 



人生...何をしたかでなく、何の為にしたか! 今! 自分が活き活きしているか? 

今に生きる、活きる! 楽しむ、ワクワクする。これだけでも肝に命じておきたいと考えるこの頃です。

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What for?

It is NOT so important WHAT you DID.

It is more important WHAT you did FOR.

Do NOT worry about WHAT you FAILED.
Do NOT stick with WHAT you SUCCEEDED.

Both of them are just results.  Why did you try that challenge?  It is important to remember!




in NYC

思いやり Compassion




Tuesday, December 4, 2012

小さな政府 ー 衆議院選挙



企業でも赤字になった場合、人でも怪我で出血がひどい場合、何をするか! 出血を止める、押さえる努力。輸血しても出血が続けば無意味。









Monday, December 3, 2012





Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Questionnaire - Japan

I  am now on business trip in Japan and watching TV news this morning.

In Japan, the stereo type of questionnaire when they ask YES or NO is not the choices out of two.  Most of the time, there are choices for Maybe, Maybe Not and Do No Know.

There could be Do Not Know for whom they are still considering their answers.  But it is nonsense to offer the choices for Maybe and Maybe Not.  It is too vague and it is one of stereo type of Japanese culture.

In the daily conversation, the Japanese people often use Maybe instead of YES or NO not to hurt opponent feeling.  I think it is fine. But for any marketing survey, I think it is not necessary.  It should be only YES and NO.  Or YES,  NO and Do Not Know Yet.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

メルマガ16号 三方よし



これは、時代を越えた真理です。 商いに限らず政治でも同じですね。 昨今起っている問題には、「世間よし」が欠けています。







Monday, October 15, 2012

Softbank coming to the US

Softbank will own 70% of Sprint.

I hope this makes a new global business solution.

On the other hand, I am frustrated with the Japanese Free WiFi spot.  It is not true Free WiFi.  You must have a contract with one of Japanese cellphone carrier.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why Seattle Tech Community is Awesome

You can find some interesting video interviews from the following GeekWire article.

Seattle Tech Community

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Feel it!

The human beings is very intelligent and our experiences call tell us a lot what to do rather than we learn from books.

However, sometimes, the experiences and intelligence make our intuition rusty.  You do not need to explain (or cannot explain) why you love your family. For business, someone want to try to find a reason and try to explain why it is good.

Why do you want to do that business?  Business is done among the people.  When you feel that you want to do, just do it!  When you are looking for some reason, you might be looking for an excuse for someone.  You do not need to explain to yourself why just like why you love your family. The life is short and only one time.

You should follow your own heart without asking for a reason why.  There is no ego and you are walking for success with others.  Kill your ego and listen to yourself.  It is difficult but it is the way of life.




Friday, September 28, 2012

NYC Biz Trip

Times Square in NYC
I am here in NYC for two days.  One of my client's customers invited me to come over to get together for face-to-face meeting.

I had a good meeting and dinner.  This morning, I will have a wrap-up meeting.  Taking the advantage of building my network with IT technologies, I still believe that  it is more important and fun to building a relationship with a face-to-face meeting.

Today, video conference and other convenient IT tools are available; however, the real network can be built only by foot; I mean that you make your efforts to visit the people.  After you build up your relationship, it makes you easy to solve a lot of issues just by one telephone call.

I still enjoy meeting new people to expand ensure my "En".  This week trip to NYC is one of good "En" trip. Just believe and follow your own feeling is sometime very important.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The news does not report the actual photos in the street in China especially outside of Japan. The violence an riots of anti-Japan have been getting worse. It is no longer the politics issue but crimes for pleasures and robbers.

It is the current level of China. I bet China does not gain anything from this kind of behaviors. On the other hand, Japan is too quiet, but most Japanese must be disappointed at China. 

Even if the Chinese government led and controlled this anti-Japan riots as PR per the rumor, it is the problem of the Chinese people to react this way. 

It is hard to believe that Japan was influenced and learned a lot of culture and moral from China more than the thousand years ago. How could they lose the perfect virtue (仁)- humanity and justice.

China is running into the wrong direction.

I hesitate talking about the politics in my business blog but time to state.  I am interested in China and learn a lot from their history and the martial arts.  I hope the Chinese people will wake up to realize what is right thing to do.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

メルマガ10号 - 夢 Part2


自分と同じ10代の青年が、国家を憂い命を投げ出し奔走していた幕末時代。それに引き換え、有名大学に入るだけの無味乾燥な上っ面な受験勉強に益々疑問を持ち始めたのがこの頃でした。この夏休みを境に受験勉強という机での勉強に身が入らなくなり、テストの成績順位や偏差値などで一喜一憂しているのが馬鹿らしく思えたのです。 現役で受験失敗し、浪人時代の京都で同級生のある言葉を聞くまでは....

詳細はこちらから 50歳からの起業



Sunday, August 26, 2012

メルマガ第8号 ー 起業家に必要なもの P&I



”What is your passion ?”  

そして、もう一つ大切なのが Integrity。つまり、

Passion & Integrity




50歳からの起業 in シアトル

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Beauty of Japan

One of my business portfolio is education and it is my passion to support disappearing the Japanese traditional crafts.

This event idea just came out one month ago and I stood up and jumped into organizing this event welcoming one of the top swordsmith; Yoshindo Yoshihara, from Japan here in Seattle.  It was three days event and it went well.  I think everyone enjoyed it and I learned some new things about the Japanese swords.

It is my pleasure to meet many people and I could make some new networks. This is a just start and I will further make my efforts to organize this group.




Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Best City for jobs - Seattle

On June 30, I reported about Top Tech City in USA.  Here is the further data about jobs in Seattle per WTIA (Washington Technology Industry Association).

                                                 Last 2 years                  Last One Decade
    TECH JOBS GROWTH       12.0%                                 43.0%
    STEM JOBS GROWTH         7.6%                                 18.0%

    35% UW grads go to work to Amazon, Google or Microsoft.
    30% UW grads go to smaller business or startup.



Monday, August 6, 2012

メルマガ 第6号(8月5日発行)− 共創



社名の背景については第二号で触れましたが、ミッションに「共創」を掲げています。私の造語ですが、一緒に新しいものを創り出していく情熱です。仕事仲間は同志だと考えています。 仕事は与えられるものでもなく、待つものでもない。創りだすものです。そのためには好きこそものの上手なれでないですが、自分にあった職業を見つけることが一番大切であり、幸せなことだと思います。
続きはこちらから 50歳からの起業 in シアトル

The Art of the Japanese Sword Event Schedule Update

Date & Time : 13:00 - 18:00 for Aug. 17 (Fri) & 18(Sat) / 13:00 - 16:00 for Aug. 19 (Sun)

  • Seminar by Yoshindo Yoshihara 14:00 - 15:00 on Aug. 17 (Fri) & 18(Sat)
  • Tanto Tsuchi Ire Demonstration   14:00 - 15:00 on Aug. 19 (Sun)

Place : Japanese Swords Museum on 2F of Rain City Fencing Center
           1776 136th Place NE Bellevue, WA 98005
Seminar : Yoshindo Yoshihara can talk about the Japanese Swords and culture. 

Five Tando will be made as “Gassaku” as we announced.  Yoshindo will demonstrate how to make Hamon by Tsuchi Ire process.  The owners who order Tanto this time will try this Tsuchi Ire by themselves under Yoshindo’s instruction.  The owners will be invited to make the final Yakiire process on Aug. 19 evening in Kirlkand.

His latest book is available.  If you buy this book at the event, you can get Yoshindo autograph on your purchased book.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

メルマガ第5号(7月28日発行)ー 飛ばす!




Wednesday, August 1, 2012


PaybyPhone service is coming to Seattle.  Now you will not have a big hustle to run to a parking meter to extend your parking not to get a ticket.

Actually, this company started their business ten years ago and finally, their business seems to start flying.  In Japan, the NFC payment via mobile phone is everywhere, but not real mobile payment like this as far as I know.

This might be one of good examples for TIME TO MAKRET.  Even if a technology and service make sense but the market is sometimes not ready.  They expand the business service locations in the US and Europe such as France but not in Asia.





Monday, July 30, 2012

Most Difficult Places to Interview

Glassdoor announced their survey for Top 25 most difficult companies to interview.  But I could not find Microsoft there.  About 10 years ago, there was the popular book about Microsoft Interview; HOW WOULD YOU MOVE MOUNT FUJI?

The time seems to have changed.  I found interested in finding the company, PROGRESSIVE, rather than GEICO.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Japanese Sword - The Art of Work

Many traditional art of work in Japan have been facing the difficult time to inherit their culture and know-how to the next generation since they cannot easily make their life selling their art in Japan.

I have my passion to support the Japanese art of work and I start funding this organization from the Japanese Sword with "EN".

If you are interested in touching the Japanese culture through the Japanese Sword, feel free to drop by the following event.

The Art of the Japanese Sword
The Special Event by one of the greatest Japanese swordsmith
Yoshindo Yoshihara(吉原義人)

Tanto(short sword) traditionally given to child in a family as an amulet
Date & Time : Aug. 17 (Fri)  & 18 (Sat) 13:00 - 18:00 / Aug. 19 (Sun)  11:00 - 16:00
  Place              :  Japanese Sword Museum at 2F of Rain City Fencing Center
        1776 136th Place NE Bellevue, WA 98005
This event is the great opportunity that you can talk with Mr. Yoshihara about the Japanese swords and culture.  We exhibit some great art of his work and his latest book. 

We plan to found an organization to support the young Japanese traditional craftsman introducing their work of art.  This event is its kick-off with Mr. Yoshihara’s help to show his passion introducing the Japanese art of work in overseas.  We take this opportunity to offer making Japanese swords by “Gassaku” as the special workshop as well.

  • Workshop for “gassaku” who makes your own sword together with Yoshindo Yoshihara.  A "gassaku" sword is one which is made cooperatively by more than one person.  The blades will be forged by Yoshindo and his apprentices.  You will co-work with Yoshindo to make "hamon"(刃文) and temper your tango sword with him. This special “gassaku” workshop is opened with reservation only for the limited quantity (max. five swords) at the special promotion price.  For your reservation or any further question, please feel free to contact via e-mail at
About Yoshindo Yoshihara(吉原義人)
He is the third-generation swordsmith in his family.  Yoshindo lives and works in Tokyo . Yoshindo has been named an Important Cultural Property of the city and prefecture of Tokyo, and is a mukansa (top-ranked sowrdsmith) in Japan.
He is the only swordsmith which both the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Metropolitan Museum of Art purchased the Japanese swords to exhibit at their museums.  He also dedicated many swords to Ise Shrine in Japan.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Local City in Japan - Fukuoka City

I was in Fukuoka last week for business.  Fukuoka is the heart of Kyushu Island and locates between Shanghai and Tokyo; 1.5 hours flight to both cities and 1 hour to Seoul, Korea.

I found some SME were very aggressive and active.  It is no longer the era of Tokyo and Osaka to lead business in Japan.  There are a lot of potentials in this kind of the local cities in Japan.

Next week, I plan to arrange some business development tour for the city of Fukuoka in WA state in the US.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top Tech City in the USA - Seattle

Seattle is ranked at the top tech city in the USA over Silicon Valley per John Cox report; Seattle-Americas-Top-Tech-City.

Still Silicon Valley regions are ranked at top 2 and 3, but you can find Portland is now ranked top 4.

Now the technology industry business is also moving into the medical science more and more where a lot of investment seem to be on going here in Seattle led by Paul Allen.  Also, there is University of Washington.

I also see some green technology business is getting popular here in Washington state as Green State.

It will be interesting area for business start-up here in Seattle.





Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Microsoft Surface

They announced their own tablet PC; Surface.

What's new? Not much even after I watched their launch event over 40 min. They could not announce the price and shipment of the full line up will not be available in 3 months. Unfortunately they could not deliver any exciting news.

Complete with iPad? I do not think so because users expectations are different.

For me, the biggest news is that Micosoft came into the PC hardware business, not just for peripherals. Now, they would compete with some hardware companies in Asia.

Surface was announced with big table touch with Samsung collaboration at 2011 CES.

You can find their announcement from the following  video.





経営の二人三脚には、この左右の両脳が必要。でも最後には、右脳ではないでしょうか? 理屈で人は動けない。


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Korean Power - 韓国の底力

Just talked about the problem of Japan referring to Sony and Panasonic by previous blog comment.
I happened to find Korean power example by Samsung Product;
It is the security system with 8 infrared cameras with 2TB HDD recording feature.  The set-up is so easy with plug-n-play.  How much is this system?   It is less than $1,000 !

Technology wise, the Japanese companies can make the same product easily but a lot of product line-up is being missed from the Japanese companies.  For instance, I wonder why they do not market other home appliances such as laundry machines, washer & dryer, vacuum cleaners and smart phones like Samsung and LG for overseas market.

Is it just a lack of marketing?   Many Japanese business man are living in the US, but some of them do not seem to be connected well with a local community and their local staff in the office.  They live in the local Japanese community in the US.

I am afraid that the Japanese might be taking their advantages here in the US from which our seniors had built the credit with their huge efforts; I mean they are Issei - Sansei  in the US. (1st - 3rd generations of Japanese who have been living before/after WW II.)

As Japan made their good products with their continuous improvements, so called KAIZEN, they should make the same efforts to improve their relationship with mutual trust and friendship in overseas.  The Japanese problem today is not a technology but willpower.

先日、ソニーやパナソニックの例で日本の問題に触れたばかり。たまたま昨日見つけて驚いたのがSamsungのセキュリティシステムです。韓国の元気の一例です。 そのシステムは、8個の赤外線カメラに2テラバイトの録画機能までついて$1000以下で売られています。使い方はとても簡単。本当のPlug-N-Playでカメラを繋いだら即配信。


単なるマーケティングの失敗?だとしたら、日本ビジネスマンの海外での過ごし方にも問題があるのでは? アメリカ駐在中、地元コミュニティやスタッフと深く交わらず、小さな日本社会だけて生きていたら、生活に密着したビジネス戦略や製品アイデアも出るとは思えません。



Sunday, June 3, 2012

Japan probelm; Sony & Panasonic

Sony and Panasonic are now considering an investment from a Japanese government to form an alliance to develop organic EL TV.  An investment is from Innovation Network Corporation of Japan.

Sony was 1st Organic TV Seller in 2007 but why they became so behind from Samsung and LG.  Why didn't they make the same innovation of product like Trinitron TV?  Panasonic plan is to release 55-inch organic EL TV in 2015 which is 3 years behind from LG.

Panasonic, on the other hand, announced that they planned cutting 50% of their employee at their headquarter.

A strategy is being missed after the bubble economy in Japan for both politics and business.  South Korea almost got bankrupted before but now they are even running ahead from Japan.

Today, Japanese prime minister, Noda, announced that he was going to replace four minsters in his cabinet.

What is important to make a strategy?  Missing their guts among the Japanese leaders.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flowers& Fragrance

One of my most favorite flowers is fragrant orange-colored olive.  Flowers are so tiny and not so beautiful but its fragrance is so good that I like to walk around the street in the season to follow its fragrance to find a tree.

Flowers are outside appearance and its fragrance is inside contents.

In business, his appearance could be his title, company name and etc. which you can find his profile.  What is his fragrance?  I think it is his will and passion.

Profile what he did is his experience which is, of course,  important.  More importantly, you need to look for what he would do. It is his attractive personality.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Seattle Top in the US for Tech Job Growth

Seattle - Bellevue area is the best city in the USA for Tech Job Growth.  See more details in below.

The Best Cities for Tech Jobs

Friday, May 4, 2012

How to buy HAPPINESS - Touch it !

This Michael Norton presentation reminds me of Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic.  He said, " Money is not to hold but to touch it from right to left hand."  It means that money is not to save but to spend.

More importantly, we need to learn how to touch from right to left hand; that is, how to spend money wisely.

このTEDでプリゼンしているハーバード大学のマイケル・ノートン准教授 を観て思い出したのが、パナソニックの創業者である松下幸之助の言った言葉。「お金は握るものでなく、右から左へと触るだけ。」 つまり、お金は貯めるものでなく、使って初めて価値が出る。


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Veggie Survival 消え逝く野菜

How do you read this change in 80 years?

Survival of the veggie

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hybrid Freighter by Tokyo University

Tokyo Univ. has been working for the hybrid freighter with the latest technology and testing between Seattle & Yokohama.


EMG is next to Kinect?

Microsoft granted the patent for wearable device EMG Device. (CLICK HERE for this news)

When I came out the device idea like Wii controller 10 years ago, my idea came from that a gesture motion is the international language.  In that sense, I think both Kinect and EMG are natural user's friendly devices.

However, I have some fear on EMG to wear an electro and wireless devices. Every single our thought, motion, recognition and etc. is coming from the electricity transmission.  EMG could be a good device for handy cap people but for healthy people.  I am not a physician but it is what I feel as a part of philosophy what we are allowed to touch with the science.  Does it affect to the gene over generations?  Who knows?

The balance of science and philosophy is quite important.  We cannot forget to enjoy inconvenience.



しかし、電気、ワイヤレスのような機器を四六時中身に着けていて問題はないのでしょうか?我々の身体は、思考、動き、認識など全てが電気伝達です。 EMGはハンデイキャップの方々には朗報だと思いますが、健常者に必要でしょうか? 医者でないので何とも言えませんが、科学が踏み入れてはいけない領域があると感じます。次世代のDNAに影響は全くないのでしょうか?誰にも判らないことですね。


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4K and 4S - Crossing the Chasm

R25 Yahoo記事参照
I went NAB2012 in Las Vegas last week and it was my first time to go to NAB. It is Video & Audio new technologies exhibit for Professional & Prosumer markets.

All of them are leading 3D video but I am wondering how many people really want to watch all TV programs in 3D.  I have the same question on 4K and 4S which seemed to be the hot marketing buzz words this time.

  • 4K stands for the next Video specification for 3284 x 2120 pixels resolution which is 4 times more than Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels)
  • 4S stands for four display device (Screen); TV, PC, Smartphone and Tablet.
There is a big chasm between the end users' willingness to buy as being said by Crossing the Chasm.  In Japan all TV broadcasts were switched over to the digital TVs which was a kind of the special procurement demand last year.  I do not think majority of them are not ready to change their digital TV for next few years.

Before the higher resolutions TV set, the TV stations have to procure the high-end Camera as well as its infrastructure must be improved such as CATV optical fiber cables to broadcast 4K TV programs and it does not help to watch the old programs if I am correct. When they storage 4K video, it will require a huge storage memory as well.

I feel something is wrong.  We might not appreciate with these technology improvements with such a high pace and anyway these home appliance companies cannot enjoy the reasonable ROI as their business.

I am afraid that they are going into the endless / unnecessary competitions at wrong time without looking at end users' expectation and benefits.  They are just competing each other with their technologies roadmap.

Is it the way how the Japanese companies can survive?  I do not think so... time to change what a competition is in their business.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Time 100

Male : Female = 5 : 3.  And there is no Japanese listed.

I paid my attention to Salman Khan and I believe that we find the world is being changed when we see more people for the educational field, not economy and business fields.





私が知っていたなかで興味があるのはSalman Khan元々姪っ子の算数の手助けで始めたことがここまで広がりました。教育面がもっと注目を浴びると世の中がもっと変わりだしたことになっている指数になるでしょう。

Saturday, April 21, 2012

This time, I supported Japan Relief project led by Western Washington University students.  They made these video letters and raised the donation and sent these directly to its local government and communities. I am glad to see a lot of people spread out their relationship.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Facebook Office Expansion in Seattle Area

Seattle Office in Aug. 2010 is the 1st office of  Facebook Silicon Valley offices. Now, they further expanded their office here in Seattle.

Here is King 5 News (Click HERE)

Living in Seattle, I think this area is one of the best for software development business in the world.







Wednesday, April 11, 2012

IT - ET - EM

We often refer "IT"  as Information Technology.  This has created the new way of life and business in the world since 1980's PC era.

With Internet society development, this tread seems to be changed from "IN" to "EX".

I mean we collect a lot of information which is In-Formation.  Internet enables us to send OUT = Ex to share information with others; e.g. "ET" for Exformation Technology if I can say so.

I see any business will not be well accepted unless it has any social value.  It is the era from technology to mind; e.g. "EM" Exformation Mind.

We express our mind to understand each other and make mutual benefits to share together; co-existence.

It is time to share = Ex rather than to gain = In.  Internet society such as Blog and Facebook are being accepted because nobody can live alone and they are happy to be cared and to share what they have.  We can expand this trend not only information but also others.

I might be talking about a dream... but it is interesting to have a dream and walk towards to catch it in our hands rather than we do not have any dream in our life.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

DAISO 100 Yen Shop





Thursday, March 29, 2012

LMBC New Renewable Battery

The next one decade will be a revolutionary era for energy.  Actually, not Will be... we MUST make it happen.  A new innovation comes out from the USA and it is their power and strength.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Education & Passion Success Story

I had a chance to listen to one of ladies business story about her school business the other day.

Due to some poor education curriculum and system at local elementary school, she decided to teach her kids by herself and started the tutoring school 10 years ago including her friends' kids; e.g. 10 students.

Now, she manages the elementary school over 500 students, Sat. school over 100 students, Bi-lingual pre-school (Japanese & English) over 20 kids and over 30 kids day time tutoring school; e.g. total over 660 children with 90 teachers.  The maximum number of student is 12 per class and it has been increasing the students 60 every year and 250 children in the waiting list.

She sees the biggest difference in the fairness of the education between the US and Japan is as follows;
  • The US : Provide a level of education to mach each student
  • Japan    : Provide the exact same level / curriculum to all students
She believes that it is very important to share the passion.  Also, it is interesting she said that we could not carry out as planned but it comes when necessary.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Japan is crashing

More than 52% of college students and 68% of high school students who graduated in 2010, they quite their jobs.

Can you believe it?  Why? Because Mismatching.
Why mismatching?

In Japan, the companies start recruiting students when they are sophomore year; e.g. before they study their major.  So, what do Japanese companies expect from students?  Nothing but obey their instructions?  They do not need any talented people?

The Japanese government is also too slow to make any action.  They are now talking about forming some discussion group to study this problem.

Japan is very serious sick. Unless they change a lot of things over night, they will sink more.  Actually, they are killing themselves.

日本語はこちらをクリック:未就職率50%以上! 大丈夫か日本?

Cancer-suppressing enzyme (MULAN)

A team of Korean researchers has found an enzyme to suppress the process of cancer, heralding a breakthrough in treatment of the disease.

Click more detailed news here,

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pension & Retirement Issues in Japan

(This is the famous Mitsuo Aida poem about WAY (life)

You build your own WAY
You develop your own WAY
It is not your own WAY given by others

  by Mitsuo Aida with my poor translation.)

In Japan, the pension issue has become so serious problem since the government does not have enough money to support retired senior people due to change of the population age structure.  Then, the Japanese government has requested the Japanese companies to choose one of the options in below.
  1. Change the retirement age from 60 to 65
  2. Re-hire an employee at 60 but it will be an annual contract to renew
  3. Remove the mandatory retirement rule
In the past 60 years or so after WW II, the Japanese employment system has been the lifetime employment and I do not see the possibility for #3 option right away.  It requires to change their salary and evaluation systems.

If I were the management, I would take option 2).  If it is possible for a company for #1 option, they should extend the retirement age ASAP but it will be a big financial burden for a company and it will discourage to hire a young generation.

They get used to stay and work for one company through their lives and it is a challenge and fear to change a job.  After I graduated from school, I challenged my jobs in each decade at 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. In that sense, I am not a stereo type of Japanese but I did not wish to change but its chance came to me.

When we make such a big decision, we may be better to follow your own intuitions.  You cannot find an answer with black and white analysis and you should believe yourself.

Note: Click here 日本語の本ブログ (日本語版はこちらをクリック)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sealed Nuclear Plant... when?

It has passed one year and a lot of Japanese press are reporting how the victims making their efforts and doing their best to recover with smiles.  I have some uneasy and uncomfortable feelings.

There is the TOP urgent issue for the Japanese government / TEPCO how soon they can seal Fukushima plant. One year has passed already and they often talk about that they would have a big earthquake and Tsunami anytime.  Last one year, there were more than 10,000 times earthquakes happened which the people could feel in Japan.

If the same Tsunami attacked the plant now, they will face another serious issue for the ghost towns even down to Tokyo area.

No question for Japan.  Listen to the mother of the nature how to live together with harmony.  Why couldn't you declare that you all shut down the nuclear plants in Japan and put the best efforts to develop new alternative fuel and energy technologies which are safe?

Time for Japanese people to stand up and start walking to the right direction. It will not only for Japan but also the rest of the world for a new peaceful life.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Facebook - Application Hivelo

Hivelocity Social Apps is the new application tool to make your own Facebook page customize easy with the following applications.

Hivelocity Social Apps

  • FBlog                            Campaign Apps                       Gallery                   MailMaganize
  • OneClick                       Welcome HTML                     Show Room           Map
  • Job Note                        FAQ                                       YouTube               Twitter
  • RSS                               Member                                  Form                     History
  • Ranking
Facebook is now going into the next service model.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Elpida Memory Chapter 11

Eplida Memory Inc. filed the Chapter 11.  It is the joint company with NEC and Hitachi which is the only DRAM memory production among the Japanese companies.

Semi conductors and flat display are the technologies which Japan has been leading but it is being changed.  Japan has been in a very serious turning point as the country.  They need the ACTION.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nissan Racing Team by Ustream

Nissan PR is done by Ustream.  I think the internet broadcasting will get more popular not only for the business but also for personal entertainment.

One of my current clients is working in this service solution and they got a lot of good attentions and reactions at CES 2012.

In other words, the current TV CM will face with some difficult time to change their business approach.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Net Super - AEON & Sharp

Sharp Tablet
Net Super is nothing new like Amazon Fresh.  BUT...this AEON/Sharp Tablet Net-Super seems to have a big impact to change the life style.

This is very user-friendly and because of tablet, a house wife even can easily do her shopping in front of refrigerator.  Also, the aging people feel easy to use this application rather than the regular on-line shopping style on PC.

It is the end of GUI (Graphic User Interface) and the application is shifting to JUI (Joyful User Interface.)

This will be the new wave for the shopping.



Sunday, February 19, 2012


Tokyo University
明治時期に出来た大学は海外教員を招聘しやすいようにと秋入学だったとは知りませんでした。それが、会社などの会計年度に合わせて春に移行して90年。ここで、東大が再び大学秋入学の検討開始。 その途端追随する学校が急に出始めているとか・・・


日本の受験戦争は年1回。 この新制度で受験の機会も年2回に増えるといいのでは?



PASSION and INFORMATION with Compassion

Heart - KOKORO
PASSION in Kanji character is "情熱".  So INFORMATION is "情報".  Both has "情" which they read as "Nasake, Jyou or Kokoro."  It means "reaction of the heart with emotion. Compassion, Sincerity, Obstinacy."

On the other hand, "報" of INFORMATION means "tell, inform and reward."

"情" + "熱 (heat)"     = PASSION.
"情" + "報(inform)" = INFORMATION

Information technology must be a good tool to pass "情".  We can get a lot of information right away with Information Technology.  But aren't we leaving "情" behind us?  Are we using IT to touch other people hearts to make some good reaction with our compassion and sincerity?

It is interesting to find the meaning of obstinacy for "情" as well.
A real entrepreneur has his/her obstinacy (willpower) supported by his/her passion and they will not give it up until they make it happen.