Thursday, August 18, 2011

Paper Money Collapse

Why does the exchange rate need to fluctuate every second and we are suffering from the price issue in both business and private life?  For instance, it seems to be even better that we could fix the exchange rate every six month or every year after reviewing the trade balance among countries.  What is the objective for this floating exchange rate system?

Nixon Shock happened on August 13, 1971.

Last a couple of years the US dollar seems to be losing its credit and it is getting weaker.  And it is not relating with any real economy situation that Japanese Yen has become so high against US dollar.

It seems for me that it is money game.  The real economy do not seem to appreciate this but the financial industry.  The world has moved into the digital money.  We even do not use paper money these days so much. We might be living in the illusion world.  Time to wake up from the illusion.




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