Monday, February 27, 2012

Elpida Memory Chapter 11

Eplida Memory Inc. filed the Chapter 11.  It is the joint company with NEC and Hitachi which is the only DRAM memory production among the Japanese companies.

Semi conductors and flat display are the technologies which Japan has been leading but it is being changed.  Japan has been in a very serious turning point as the country.  They need the ACTION.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nissan Racing Team by Ustream

Nissan PR is done by Ustream.  I think the internet broadcasting will get more popular not only for the business but also for personal entertainment.

One of my current clients is working in this service solution and they got a lot of good attentions and reactions at CES 2012.

In other words, the current TV CM will face with some difficult time to change their business approach.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Net Super - AEON & Sharp

Sharp Tablet
Net Super is nothing new like Amazon Fresh.  BUT...this AEON/Sharp Tablet Net-Super seems to have a big impact to change the life style.

This is very user-friendly and because of tablet, a house wife even can easily do her shopping in front of refrigerator.  Also, the aging people feel easy to use this application rather than the regular on-line shopping style on PC.

It is the end of GUI (Graphic User Interface) and the application is shifting to JUI (Joyful User Interface.)

This will be the new wave for the shopping.



Sunday, February 19, 2012


Tokyo University
明治時期に出来た大学は海外教員を招聘しやすいようにと秋入学だったとは知りませんでした。それが、会社などの会計年度に合わせて春に移行して90年。ここで、東大が再び大学秋入学の検討開始。 その途端追随する学校が急に出始めているとか・・・


日本の受験戦争は年1回。 この新制度で受験の機会も年2回に増えるといいのでは?



PASSION and INFORMATION with Compassion

Heart - KOKORO
PASSION in Kanji character is "情熱".  So INFORMATION is "情報".  Both has "情" which they read as "Nasake, Jyou or Kokoro."  It means "reaction of the heart with emotion. Compassion, Sincerity, Obstinacy."

On the other hand, "報" of INFORMATION means "tell, inform and reward."

"情" + "熱 (heat)"     = PASSION.
"情" + "報(inform)" = INFORMATION

Information technology must be a good tool to pass "情".  We can get a lot of information right away with Information Technology.  But aren't we leaving "情" behind us?  Are we using IT to touch other people hearts to make some good reaction with our compassion and sincerity?

It is interesting to find the meaning of obstinacy for "情" as well.
A real entrepreneur has his/her obstinacy (willpower) supported by his/her passion and they will not give it up until they make it happen.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Scott Oki Lecture

Scott Oki
Scott Oki is the famous ex-Microsoft successor here in Seattle and he now runs the non-profit Oki Foundation.

I went to his lecture and reconfirmed what is important for the Entrepreneurship; e.g. PASSION. If you found what you like to do through your life,  you must be happy.

前マイクロソフトの上級副社長まで勤め、ここシアトルでは著名な慈善実業家であるスコット・オキ。彼は今、Oki FoundationというNPOに携わっています。



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hospitality and Craftmanship - おもてなしと職人魂

Why a trade?

We want to buy from other countries what we do not have in own country or even we have one, we want them because they are better.

What we want from others.  Basically, we love them.  They are based on their own culture.

In Japan, there are a lot of good traditional and modern crafts.  The demand in Japan has been decreased due to the life style change.  If so, let's make the means of escape in overseas.

Over hundreds and thousands years of the history, Japan has variable tourism resources. And its nature is the gift.  Nobody can copy them just with money.

It is also based on the Hospitality of the Japanese Mind.

In 2010, the visitors to Japan is No. 30 in the world ranking.  Even if it was influenced by the earthquake and nuclear power plant accident, its number seems to be very low vs. No. 3 in GDP.

They must be based on the DNA and its own culture. Then, Japan can stand up and make the relationship with other countries improve.  It might be the way of other Asian countries in the future.

Japan should respect and review their own culture; the Japanese tourism resources and crafts

Monday, February 6, 2012

Facebook IPO

So, how many people think their IPO value is reasonable?  I am not.  Something is wrong here.

Time to stop dancing on the stage of illusion, doesn't it?

I remember to have ready the article that Zuckerberg commented that he would start a new company in Boston again, not in Silicon Valley if he would start another new one.  It tells us that he might already feel that something was wrong when he was led to go to his company IPO from Silicon Valley.

It is time for the USA to go back the real business; made in USA and produce something to deliver to customers' hands.