Saturday, March 15, 2014

Do you know Noh?

I had a chance to attend at Noh Workshop at Seattle University.  Canceling my Shorinji Kempo practice that night, I accompanied some of my students to join in this workshop.  It was the final exam. week at the university but I was glad to see that some of them came this event.

The Noh actor is Munenori Takeda who came from Japan.

Noh Workshop at Seattle Univ.
with M.TAKEDA and my students
It is interesting to connect with your own culture in abroad.

When you live in your home country, you just take it for granted and you do not appreciate your own culture so much.  But if you are away from your home, you think about your family.   It is same when you are away from your home country, you realize your root.

Not only that, I believe that it is very important to introduce your country culture and traditional arts to other countries to get know each other.  Some Japanese culture such as Samurai impression seems to be wrong in abroad since the Japanese have not made enough efforts to communicate and introduce the real history, background, philosophy and etc.

I would like to spend the rest of my life to be the bringe between Japan and other countries, not only in business but also in culture.

M.TAKEDA's  big Noh Dance Performance is scheduled in September in Seattle and I cannot wait that.

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