Sunday, January 27, 2013


「好きこそ物の上手なれ」という言葉があります。 食べ物や玩具などの食欲、物欲でなく何かやりたいという好きの意識。現実は、何かやりたいことが見つかる前に好きな子ができるのが早いのでは? もちろん私の場合はそうでした。(笑)





つまり、好きが一方通行では成就していません。自分の好きでやりたいことが、社会や会社と相思相愛か? それに加えて生計を立てることができるのかという問題もあります。認めてもらえなくても自分の好きな道を通す人もいます。例えば、芸術家や職人。認められるのが晩年やこの世を去った後だったりも多くあります。


就職するうえで見落としていけないのが、社風が自分の肌に合っているかどうか? 校風、家風もあるように水が肌に合わなければ、仕事の内容や待遇など関係なく我慢できなくなるはずです。給与など頭で理解できる部分より感性の部分は大切にするべきだと思います。



感性、直感は経験のなかで磨かれていくと実感しています。好きなことを見つけるには机上の勉強より、実践に勝るものなし。恋愛同様、告白せずに後悔するより当たって砕けろでしょうか? それが簡単に出来るなら誰も苦労しませんね。




It could be decided if it was the good life whether or not you took actions.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

iPhone SIM Free


「Verizonは幅広く他の端末についても、条件を満たせば、米国以外での使用に限ってユーザーからの要望に応じてSIMロックを解除している。米国でiPhone 5を販売する他のキャリアでは、CDMA系のSprintはiPhone 5をSIMロック状態で販売しているが、一定期間が経過した後に米国以外の使用に限ってSIMアンロックを認めている。GSM系のAT&Tは、2年契約を完了したiPhoneに限りSIMロック解除サービスを提供している。」


現在SprintはData UnlimitedをiPhoneに提供しています。あとAT&Tとの契約が1年残っているiPhoneは昔のiPhone3に切り替えてやり過ごし、ビジネス向けにSprint携帯を別に持つべきか思案中です。

Friday, January 11, 2013

I'm Watch

TESLA is supplying EV car which does not need the traditional engine technology.

Now, I'M WATCH is supplying Smart Watch which does not need the traditional movement technology.

Some industry core technology and know-how are being changed.

I'm watching what will make changes.

Smart Office Phone

At CES, I found the following product which I personally want for my personal office use.

$299 is a little bit expensive.... breakthrough price could be $99?

CES 2013最終日






Thursday, January 10, 2013

JUI with Image Recognition

I had a chance to see several new user interface, edutainment, business solution demo in the private room at CES which was invitation only.

Its technologies are cool!

I was very excited about their solution.

I am going to work with them for one of my clients.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

CES 2013

I am at CES 2013 in Las Vegas this week.

Paper display and battery have been talked as a dream device technology long time and here it is.

I pay my attentions which would change our life style.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Joyful User Interface

I noted in the blog before but I had the business plan to use gesture motion as a new interface beyond GUI and VUI more than 10 years ago when I was working for bluetooth enabled device.  At that time, Alps was developing the sensor motion.

Later it came out as motion controller from Nintendo, then Microsoft and now LEAP.

It is a pity that I could not debut my ideal device but it was too early at that time; however I am glad that my direction was right.

The gesture is the universal language which will become JUI.

It will be interesting year in terms of User Controller Innovation.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year - Osechi

First Ojyu Box
Happy New Year !

I wish you and all of your family happiness and good health.
Second Ojyu Box

Third Ojyu Box
Osechi (御節)is the special cook for Japanese new year celebration.

Most dishes are boiled, grilled and vinegared food which last long for few days.  The Japanese wives are so busy in preparing for this Osechi last few days towards the end of December.  They prepare for these foods for good luck for coming new year with some power of languages.  I also heard that we do not kill anything to eat from the 1st day of January so that we make this Osechi which last few days for family.

It has several color mix; red, green, yellow and black which also have some meanings; e.g. black color comes from Taoism which means to pay the evil spirits.

There are some power of languages (言霊)for food in Osechi.

  • Koromame black beans : Not only to pay the evil spirits but also it means that you can work healthy and live long like we get a lot of sun tan.
  • Lotus roots : There are lot of holes which you can see the future well.
  • Herring roe : It has a lot of eggs which you can have a lot of children. 
As you can see, they also decorate these foods in full in boxes which mean to be rich.

The Japanese customs have a lot of carrying the luck like this.  I think it comes from respecting the nature.