Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flowers& Fragrance

One of my most favorite flowers is fragrant orange-colored olive.  Flowers are so tiny and not so beautiful but its fragrance is so good that I like to walk around the street in the season to follow its fragrance to find a tree.

Flowers are outside appearance and its fragrance is inside contents.

In business, his appearance could be his title, company name and etc. which you can find his profile.  What is his fragrance?  I think it is his will and passion.

Profile what he did is his experience which is, of course,  important.  More importantly, you need to look for what he would do. It is his attractive personality.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Seattle Top in the US for Tech Job Growth

Seattle - Bellevue area is the best city in the USA for Tech Job Growth.  See more details in below.

The Best Cities for Tech Jobs

Friday, May 4, 2012

How to buy HAPPINESS - Touch it !

This Michael Norton presentation reminds me of Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic.  He said, " Money is not to hold but to touch it from right to left hand."  It means that money is not to save but to spend.

More importantly, we need to learn how to touch from right to left hand; that is, how to spend money wisely.

このTEDでプリゼンしているハーバード大学のマイケル・ノートン准教授 を観て思い出したのが、パナソニックの創業者である松下幸之助の言った言葉。「お金は握るものでなく、右から左へと触るだけ。」 つまり、お金は貯めるものでなく、使って初めて価値が出る。


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Veggie Survival 消え逝く野菜

How do you read this change in 80 years?

Survival of the veggie

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hybrid Freighter by Tokyo University

Tokyo Univ. has been working for the hybrid freighter with the latest technology and testing between Seattle & Yokohama.


EMG is next to Kinect?

Microsoft granted the patent for wearable device EMG Device. (CLICK HERE for this news)

When I came out the device idea like Wii controller 10 years ago, my idea came from that a gesture motion is the international language.  In that sense, I think both Kinect and EMG are natural user's friendly devices.

However, I have some fear on EMG to wear an electro and wireless devices. Every single our thought, motion, recognition and etc. is coming from the electricity transmission.  EMG could be a good device for handy cap people but for healthy people.  I am not a physician but it is what I feel as a part of philosophy what we are allowed to touch with the science.  Does it affect to the gene over generations?  Who knows?

The balance of science and philosophy is quite important.  We cannot forget to enjoy inconvenience.



しかし、電気、ワイヤレスのような機器を四六時中身に着けていて問題はないのでしょうか?我々の身体は、思考、動き、認識など全てが電気伝達です。 EMGはハンデイキャップの方々には朗報だと思いますが、健常者に必要でしょうか? 医者でないので何とも言えませんが、科学が踏み入れてはいけない領域があると感じます。次世代のDNAに影響は全くないのでしょうか?誰にも判らないことですね。
