今年の日本での震災。被災者の方々の今を生きる姿を報道で垣間見る中に、夢中=本当の幸せという大切なことに改めて気付かせてもらった。 夢中になれることがあるのは、とても幸せなことだろう。
他人の目を気にせず、自分と向かい合う。 たまには坐禅の真似事でも良い。ボーッとする時間を持つも良し。 自分と対話してみよう!
Could you imagine what it means by "in a dream" in Kanji characters in Japanese? We pronounce 夢中 as Muchuu and it means;
- be absorbed (immersed/wrapped) in ..
- be crazy about ...
- forget oneself etc.
Dream does not lie ahead where you cannot reach. It is lying at your foot... Here Now!
From the Tsunami disaster in Japan this year, it reminds me of this... they work hard what they have to deal with today. Then, they do not have a dream and they forget to smile? No! They have a dream and they know the real smiles.
You must be happy if you have something to be crazy about.
Without worrying about how other people think of you, it will be good to face with yourself. Zen sitting might give you this kind of opportunity.
Let's have a conversation with yourself.