Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Isao Machii - Shushin Ryu Seminar in Seattle

Isao Machii

Isao Machii sensei is very popular Iai/Kenjyutsu practioner with 4 Guiness World Records. We will welcome him to have his Shushin Ryu workshop here in Seattle coming on December 10 and 11.

Date : 12/10 Thu.
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm, Q&A will follow
Place: Aikiko Heiwa Dojo            
           6812 196th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036
Fee   : $40

Date : 12//11 Fri. 
Time : 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Place : JCCCW Large Dojo
            1414 S Weller St, Seattle, WA 98144
Fee    $50

  • Bring your own bokuto (wooden sword) with plastic saya (scabborn) preferable.
  • A person who would like to attend both two days, it will be $80.
  •  A person, who just wants to watch this seminar, will be asked $10. 
  • Make a check payable to “EnLinx Partners, LLC” 
For any further question, feel free to contact Hiroshi Onaka via

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Automobile industry shows the future;UX is attached with comfortable driving, not mileage. It could be referred to other businesses.

Every car has 1 wheel and 4 tires so that they competed by horse power. Computer talks about CPU clock speed and memory.Then, cars completed the mileage vs. computers' power consumption and battery life - ECO System.

Now, cars talk about the auto pilot but the point is not its technology.  The important thing is what the auto pilot will bring as a solution for User's Experience (UX).  This cockpit is one of good examples.

We can always appreciate the automobile industry trend to make your business paradigm shift as a good reference.





Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sam Furukawa @ TED Sapporo

We can start our challenge to live the life at any time |

City of Seattle is Hot - Lake Union Area

In the north of downtown Seattle, a lot of contractions are still on going between Lake Union and the center of Seattle city.

Seattle has become the global business center for cloud computing business with such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, HP and etc.  In addition to that, Vulcan Ventures (Paul Allen) had made the efforts to develop this area.

Keep your eyes open on Seattle for new business development.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Auto Pilot Vehicle Concept from Nissan

Check this out the autopilot concept car from Nissan.
I like this and want to own this kind of a car in the future.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ways to Make a Decision - 日本人学生に向けた講演会

日程:11月14日(土) 14:00 – 16:00
会場:Savery Hall 131, University of Washington