Tuesday, May 26, 2015

第二回茶ッカソン 5月30日


EnLinx Partnersもスポンサーとして応援させていただいています。


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Responsive Web Design

Today, we have different devices to enjoy looking for some information through internet.  These are TV, Desktop, Notebook, Tablet and Smartphone and all of them are different in the size of displays and resolutions. And you might rotate your smartphone to look at information.

"Responsive Web Design" arranges a website layout per display device.


If you are not a engineer, it is difficult to change a website layout per target device. However, there is such a website design tool you do not have to worry about a target device since it automatically relayout a design. I might work to introduce this US company in Japan.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Arch for Startupイベントご案内 : 5月31日 14:00 〜 @ ワシントン大学

こんにちは! UWの公認学生団体Arch for Startupです。

Arch for Startupはシアトル在住の日本人のプレゼンス向上及び、主に日本とシアトルのスタートアップコミュニティを相互支援するために昨年7月に発足し、活動をしています。



◆日時: 2015.5.31(Sun) 14:00~
◆場所: 日本料理店 Miyabi (2208 N 45th St, Seattle 98103) ※専用駐車場はございませんが、近隣に駐車することは可能です。
◆費用: $20前後 頂戴いたします。ご了承ください。



参加します(→②へ) 欠席します (どちらかを消去してください)

同意します(→以下記入お願いします) 同意しません (どちらかを消去してください)

期限: 会場予約の都合上、5/27(水)までに返信をお願い致します。
西上怜歩 (Event Organizer at Arch for Startup)

Monday, May 18, 2015

IoT Notes 2 IFTTT - IoT 考察(2)IFTTT

What is IFTTT?  It is the abbreviation of "If This, Then That".
This is one of examples of IoT is bringing Smart Home era.

IFTTTって聞かれたことありますか?「If This, Then That」の略です。

Sunday, May 17, 2015

IoT Notes 1 - IoT考察(1)Smart Home

IoT could be said as Industry 4.0 which Germany defined.

Its tip is a smart home.  Smart homes become a smart city with smart grid backup.
This smart X must be developed with the smallest unit; that is a home.

          Home < City < Region

The key ward is an automated seamless connection.

I see that there will be a good business challenge and opportunity with the collaboration of the Japanese hardwares and the US cloud computing technologies.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Startup Support - 起業環境 in シアトル

In Seattle, there is NPO so called SVP (Seattle Venture Partners).

There are a lot of Seattle local companies sponsor with its annual membership fee and the membered companies could be the angels and/or investors as well.

SVP organizes the office building with Impact Hub and Pinchot. Pinchot is the university of MBA for sustainable studies.

SVP expanded their spaces acquiring the old hotel next door.

They have the common space for lecture room, leisure, bike parking and etc.

This is one of good place to startup your company in Seattle downtown with networking.